Running in your new car tyres
Here at Grippy we can help you find the right tyres to suit your vehicle and driving style. Once we’ve fitted your new tyres you will need to take into consideration a few things before you set off on your journey. Brand new car tyres come out of the moulding process with several tiny vent holes and you will find that the surface is astonishingly smooth.
We suggest that all tyres including winter tyres should be run in for the first 150-200 miles on dry roads at a medium speed. This will help remove these holes and prepare the tyre surface for general driving. It is highly advisable to avoid hard braking and any sharp cornering too.
In doing the above your new tyre or tyres will provide you with the maximum possible grip and optimum performance. For more information about tyre care, contact one of our tyre fitting team who’ll be more than happy to assist you with some good old-fashioned service.
Grippy are the new online mobile tyre fitting service from FastFit Station. Covering a 50 mile radius from Milton Keynes to fit your new car, van or 4×4 tyres whenever and wherever you want. Contact us today on 0845 686 1100, we’re open 7 days a week.